Manufacturing Services That Help Coconut Product Ideas Become a Reality

Sweetened coconut can be used for a range of food applications, so it’s no wonder that this product now has several variations on the market. Since this ingredient is moister and sweeter than plain coconut, it is used by people across the globe to create all sorts of treats.

Our Team Can Assist You With Manufacturing

who we are

Our Team Can Assist You With Manufacturing

Red V Foods’ cutting-edge production lines produce industrial volumes of over 12 million pounds of sweetened coconut annually. With a 110,000-square-foot manufacturing and warehousing facility in Buford, GA, our team of professionals is dedicated to helping you manufacture the coconut product you have in mind.

Red V Foods’ cutting-edge production lines produce industrial volumes of over 12 million pounds of sweetened coconut annually. With a...

Expert Formulation Team

Global Manufacturer

Offers Custom Formulations

What Our Manufacturing Services Entail

who we are

What Our Manufacturing Services Entail

Red V Foods can help you create custom-blended sweetened coconut products formulated to your exact specifications. When you work with us, you can rest easy knowing that you can choose from a variety of sizes and packaging for the final output. This includes polybags and bulk cartons.

Red V Foods can help you create custom-blended sweetened coconut products formulated to your exact specifications. When you work with...


  • Sourcing

    We source our coconut products from Axelum Resources Corp., our parent company in the Philippines and a global manufacturer of...

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  • Co-Packing

    For over three decades, we have offered contract-packing services to some of North America's largest food brands and retailers. Our...

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Talk to Us

Our custom-blended sweetened coconut is used by retail brands and private-label products throughout the USA. Partner with us today and bring your food product idea to life. Get in touch with us for more information.

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